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Home » Downloads » STRATEGY » Sim Junta » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file Sim Junta
Sim Junta Rating: 3

Authors:"Sim Junta is a statistical management game of brutal and violent politics, as it should be a game who has as a theme a dictatorship. The story is this: You are the new dictator of Risuena which is a smalll and poor country of the third world. You have just seized power after a bloody coup and your intentions are to stay in power as much as you can, to reap this country off, transfer the money to your secret Swiss bank account and of course, stay alive and enjoy your wealth. The problems in your plan are the various parties of Risuena's society who also want to benefit and survive throughout your Junta, the Guerrillas who try to seize power, the Americans who support your dictatorship but expect something in return and the next men in power after you, who are waiting a good chance to betray you!

Sim Junta is actually a test version of a commercial game for a series of coffee break strategy games that icehole wanted to develop. The game was never developed in his commercial version cause we didn't have the necessary resources at the time. But since it was very fun to play we decided to release it as a freeware.

Sim Junta is a humorous but very deep strategy game like all of our projects. "

Author Site

» Author: dtd. 22.04.2008
» Size 3.34 MB; Needed time to download 7,413 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 3217