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Home » Downloads » GAMES » ALIEN ARENA 2007 v6.04 LINUX » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file ALIEN ARENA 2007 v6.04 LINUX

Alien Arena 2007 6.04 has been released for Windows and Linux on March 2, 2007. This release marks the most signifigant change in content in the game's history! Eleven brand new maps have been added, along with revamped Deathball, and Team Core Assault modes, as well as numerous new client and server side enhancements. Now with real-time lighting and shadows, the CRX engine can deliver smooth yet impressive visuals even on modest gaming systems. Alien Arena has moved quite a distance from it's Quake roots, both stylistically and in regards to gameplay, combining the best elements of existing shooters, while adding a number of original nuances, not to mention it's retro sci-fi theme which sets it apart from your current crop of "realistic" FPS.
With Galaxy 2.0 serving as a front end, players can feel more connected to the community than ever before, and track their own as well as other players stats with a click of the mouse! With a built in IRC client, users can chat with others, or stay abreast of latest tourney news, or get help if they have problems with the game.
Alien Arena 2007 has landed...Get your guns out!
Una nuova versione di Alian Arena e' stata appena rilasciata per Windows e Linux. Alien Arena e' un gioco completamente free in stile Quake 3. La versione 20007 porta numerose novita' tra cui l'utilizzo del nuovo engine grafico CRX 6.0. Buon frag a tutti!


» Author: FireSword dtd. 12.03.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 592