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Home » Downloads » MMO » WOLF QUEST » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file WOLF QUEST
WOLF QUEST Rating: 3

Be a wolf in a virtual wild nature world.
WolfQuest is 3D wildlife simulation game. Players join a wolf pack made up of friends or computer-controlled wolves and, through trial and error, instinct, and experience, learn to maximize both individual and pack survival. Each player discovers how to compete or cooperate, challenge or submit, and defend or attack during complex interactions within the pack. Players find they must balance individual and pack needs in order to increase their collective ability to hunt, defend territory, avoid danger, and protect their young. As they respond to challenges presented by their environment, players will experientially learn about habitat quality, prey populations, and the impact of human presence on the landscape. As they explore a variety of strategies to succeed in the game, players will exercise critical thinking and inquiry skills. Gameplay will create a strong emotional connection between players and wolves, changing player's attitudes toward wolves and habitat conservation in the real world.

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» Author: dtd. 08.01.2008
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2800