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Home » Downloads » GAME MAKER » QUEST 3D » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file QUEST 3D
QUEST 3D Rating: 3.14

Quest3D is a software package to develop real-time 3D applications. It is used to create architecture visualizations, computer based training programs, digital entertainment and many other real-time 3D based programs. What are the main features / capabilities of Quest3D? Quest3D uses a graphical approach to application authoring. You do not need have any programming skills to use it. It allows you to take your 3D models, textures and many other types of assets and turn them directly into an executable or web page. Quest3D comes with a huge set of functions and features. HDR rendering, a dynamics engine, path finding, skinned meshes, HLSL shading, network synchronization, database connectivity and optional LUA scripting are just some of the features. The good news is that no royalties have to be paid for any products you create. Each development computer requires a single usage license and that is all you will have to pay.
Quest3D comes in three editions. Each edition is priced differently. Price can be found on the Quest3D web page or you can ask your local reseller. You need a license for each seat that uses the software. Special pricing is available for educational usage.

» Author: dtd. 28.09.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1322