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Home » Downloads » ARCADE » Cave Story Deluxe Package » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file Cave Story Deluxe Package
Cave Story Deluxe Package Rating: 1

A beautiful (and famous) freeware platform-adventure. Reccomended.
Un platform-advemture freeware stupendo! Da provare.
This zip contains PC & MAC versions fully translated in english, guides, useful programs and much more!
In Detail:
-PC and Macintosh versions.
-2 map editors
-some midi re-arranged
-ORG maker
-Ikachan (jap)
-Balrog PaperCraft (lol)
-Full manual of the game.
Package Site
Normal Game link

» Author: dtd. 25.03.2007
» Size 41.48 MB; Needed time to download 90,5310 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1102