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Home » Downloads » MODS » Oblivion Multiplayer Mod v0.45 » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file Oblivion Multiplayer Mod v0.45
Oblivion Multiplayer Mod v0.45 Rating: 2.6

A mod to play Oblivion in multiplayer over a LAN or Internet

OblivionOnline is a project to provide multiplayer gamestyle to the game: The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion. It is using the Oblivion Script Extender Framework , but adds lots and lots of custom code . It also includes custom GUI windows to handle connection, etc. A number of alphas / techdemos have already been released (current august 2008: 0.4.5) ...
- Explore all of the game and of Shivering Isles + ALL of your modstogether with your friends ( since release 0.2)
- Host servers on the machine you are playing , or extremely resource saving on another Windows, Mac OS X, Unix or Linux platform of your choice(since release 4.5-Linux)
- Figth friends ("deathmatch" - since release 0.3)and foes ( also known as "Mob Synch") (planned for 5.0)
-Open Source ( GNU GPL and GNU Affero GPL ) Planned after 5.0 : Central Character Storage.

OblivionOnline supports up to 12 players, however it can easily be updated to whatever limit the Oblivion Engine imposes ( It requires only a single line of code to be changed ( #define MAX_PLAYERS 12) and a corresponding number of actors to be added).

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» Author: dtd. 03.09.2008
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 8151