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Home » Downloads » GAME MAKER » NOCTURNAL INITIATIVE (Source Code) » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file NOCTURNAL INITIATIVE (Source Code)
NOCTURNAL INITIATIVE (Source Code) Rating: 1

Open collection of libraries and utilities for addressing common challenges in game development.

Nocturnal is not a game engine. The libraries provided here are potentially very useful for developing a game engine, but we want to avoid the 'all things to all people' that so often results in overly complex and/or under-performing monolithic engines. Instead, we want to provide a useful toolbox for the professional game developer.

There are a lot of common problems that are presented during game development. These problems are often solved separately at game studios across the industry. Sometimes the same people end up writing the same solution at several companies throughout their career. This is a waste of resources that can be avoided by openly sharing useful foundation code and techniques across company boundaries. We feel that this kind of sharing will allow studios to focus more on what sets their games apart and less on the basic building blocks necessary to create a modern game. It is our hope that this will result in studios making better games in less time, and hence benefit the industry as a whole.

» Author: dtd. 10.03.2008
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1142