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Home » Downloads » GAME MAKER » Arianne (online games engine) » Comments

Comments and Rating for the file Arianne (online games engine)
Arianne (online games engine)

An open source multiplayer online framework to easily create games.
Arianne is a multiplayer online games framework and engine to develop turn based and real time games.
It provides a simple way of creating games on a portable and robust server architecture. The server is coded in Java and uses Python for your game description, provides a MySQL backend and uses an UDP transport channel to communicate with dozens of players.
Our reference client engines are coded using Java and the C language in order to achieve maximum portability.
Arianne has been in development since 1999 and has evolved from a tiny application written in pseudo-C++ to a powerful, expandable but simple server framework, running on the Java platform, and a portable client framework, written in bare C to allow total portability of arianne's clients. Arianne's server is totally client agnostic.
Since the beginning, the key concept at the heart of Arianne's development has been KISS: Keep it simple, stupid!

» Author: dtd. 11.03.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1148