Added new mugen made games to the collection..
Recently i browsed this website and thought it was time to clean (at least a little) the big mess there is in some parts of it, and in this case, the mugen made games.. This doesn’t contain all the mugen games that’s why it’s numbered collection 1, expect more collections in the future. Happy downloading and happy gaming. Hope you ll like this.
I can also suggest you to download WinMugen Fighting Jam which is an amazing crafted mugen.
DBZ vs Bleach M.U.G.E.N (2010) is a nice mugen made beat em up.
Author said: “This game contains 33 characters and many DBZ and Bleach stages. You can select characters by pressing LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys, but if you want to select different mode of your character, go SSJ or do Bankai, you should use UP and DOWN. You can also fuse Goku and Vegeta by going RIGHT for Vegeta SSJ and SSJ4, and LEFT for Goku SSJ2 and SSJ4 to get Gogeta. In my opinion Trunks SSJ with sword and Gohan with Z Sword are perfect chars for this game and they inspired me to make it 🙂
I replaced original voices with english ones for new DBZ chars“
Aliens vs Predator Multiplayer Demo
Hudson: They’re coming outta the walls. They’re coming outta the goddamn walls. Let’s book!
The multiplayer demo will allow gamers the chance to play as all three species – the Colonial Marine, the Predator and the Alien – and pitch their skills against each other in Deathmatch mode on Refinery, one of the game’s multiplayer maps.
Aliens VS Predator (2010)
Xenomorph, Impulse rifle, movement detector, space (colonial) marines and co-op multiplayer and versus?
This means that after Bad Company 2, i am going to buy another game..
Both pre-ordered.
FlashPoint 2 or Modern Warfare 2? It’s a big dilemma! 😆
I am pretty undecided if going Battlefield (fp2) style or Counter-strike (cod4) style..
They are both good games with plenty of hours to waste consume with.. 😆
You have a favourite or you are going to buy both (or none)?
A MUGEN fighting game. The game includes an arcade mode, team battle, survival, and watch mode. The game uses interlaced graphics 🙁 There’s a whopping 56 characters. 28 from each universe: Akuma, Amingo, Anakaris, B.B. Hood, Blackheart, Cable, Cammy, Captain America, Captain Commando, Charlie, Chun-Li, Colossus, Cyclops, Dan, Dhalsim, Doctor Doom, Felicia, Gambit, Guile, Hayato, Hulk, Iceman, Iron Man, Jill, Jin, Juggernaut, Ken, M.Bison, Magneto, Marrow, Mega Man, Morrigan, Omega Red, Psylocke, Rogue, Roll, Ruby Heart, Ryu, Sabretooth, Sakura, Sentinel, Servbot, Shuma-Gorath, Silver Samurai, Sonson, Spider-Man, Spiral, Storm, Strider Hiryu, Thanos, T.Bonne, Venom, War Machine, Wolverine, Zangief, Abyss Abyss serves as the boss in arcade mode.
To configure video and sound, go to “datamugen.cfg”.
Version 1 includes unspecified updates.