This game was made for 7DRL-2017 challenge. Myst is a compact rogue-lite game where you need to traverse an ever-changing maze. The only part of it that does not change is the part which is not covered by the mist. Use it to your advantage. For windows, mac, android and browser.
Posted by FireSword |
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Adventures of FrikiBoy is a short action-adventure game with a quirky story, where you explore a maze trying to collect as many treasures (pastries) as you can.
Posted by FireSword |
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The Adventures of Dear Explorer is a top-down maze exploration game mixed with arcade shooter elements, featuring a RPG-like skill upgrade system and three types of themed levels to play through.
Posted by FireSword |
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The Maze of Galious was originally a Konami game for the MSX computer system. Its real name is Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and is the sequel of another Konami game called Knightmare. This is a remake of it for windows, linux and macintosh.
Posted by FireSword |
If you know PacMan the original arcade, watching this photo, you would have noticed that the level is different.. There is a site where you can build your custom pacman maze and play it!
Posted by FireSword |
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