Since the Humble Indie Sales (The first Humble Indie Bundle from May 4 through May 11, 2010) surpassed the 1 million.. Authors of the games decided to release the source codes.. As far as i know only world of goo didn’t release the source code.
The Games Source are:Gish,Penumbra,Aquaria and Lugaru.
Pay what you want (minimum 1 usd). If you bought these five games separately, it would cost around $80 but the games authors are letting you set the price!
All of the games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
There is no middle-man. You can rest assured that 100% of your purchase goes directly to the developers and non-profits as you specify (minus credit card fees).
NO DRM. When you buy these games, they are yours. Feel free to play them without an internet connection, back them up, and install them on all of your Macs and PCs freely.
Your contribution supports the amazing Child’s Play charity and Electronic Frontier Foundation. By default, the amount is split equally between the seven participants (including Child’s Play and EFF), but you can tweak the split any way you’d like.
In order to bring awareness of our upcoming independent game, Overgrowth, we are giving away free copies of the game that started it all: Lugaru!
Lugaru is a cult classic, indie video game that was created by David Rosen when he was in high school. It is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Since its launch, it has been sold for $19.95 without exception — until now!
This Christmas, we are giving it away for free!
All you have to do to have your free copy emailed to you on Christmas Eve is join this Facebook event and join the Overgrowth Facebook Page. Don’t open it until Christmas Day! Make sure you’re a fan of the Overgrowth Facebook Page, and be sure to invite your friends to this event!
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