
GMC Jam 5 – Top 3

GMC Jam 5 is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Facade”


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Ludum Dare 31 Top 10 Compo-Jam Gamepack

Here is a minipack from Ludum Dare 31, 20 games that include top 10 compo and top 10 Jam as voted by Ludum Dare Audience.


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Ludum Dare 30 Top 5 Compo-Jam Gamepack

Here is a minipack from Ludum Dare 30, 10 games that include top 5 compo and top 5 Jam as voted by Ludum Dare Audience.


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Ludum Dare 27 JAM Top 100 pack

Ludum Dare 27 JAM Top 100 pack is a pack containing the top 100 JAM games (as voted by the ludum dare audience) and their source codes. The theme of this competition was 10 Seconds


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Ludum Dare 29 Top 100 Jam

Ludum Dare 29 JAM Top 100 pack is a pack containing the top 100 JAM games (as voted by the ludum dare audience) and their source codes. The theme of this competition was Beneath the Surface


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Global Game Jam 2014

Global Game Jam 2014 is over, visit the official site to play some of the 4293 games!


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Ludum Dare 27 COMPO Top 100 pack

Ludum Dare 27 COMPO Top 100 pack is a pack containing the top 100 COMPO games (as voted by the ludum dare audience) and their source codes. The theme of this competition was 10 Seconds


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NES Jam 1 Gamepack

The NESJam is a video game development JAM where developers will spend a week and develop a game based around the theme of Nintendo Entertainment System. NESJam 1 was held December 1st – December 10th 2013. Here is a gamepack containing 6 of the 7 games submitted by the partecipants.


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Ludum Dare 28 JAM Top 100 pack

Ludum Dare 28 JAM Top 100 pack is a pack containing the top 100 JAM games (as voted by the ludum dare audience). The theme of this competition was You Only Get One


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Speccy Jam 2013

Speccy Jam is a regular world wide 1 week game jam, where indie game developers come together to create games with the flavour of the legendary 8-bit personal home computer, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.


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