Ben Jordan, a young man from Philadelphia, is fresh out of college and has decided to become a paranormal investigator. Each case finds him traveling to a different location, investigating local legends and paranormal phenomena. Join Ben on his adventures as he discovers that there’s more to being a paranormal investigator than just exploring old buildings and photographing orbs.
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How far could one man’s ashes go? When Detective Burton’s Aunt Maggie is involved, who’s to say? It’s a mystery of curious proportions when her husband’s ashes go walkabout. She’s looked everywhere, except the basement … and you’ll see why.
* Test your forensic skills on this free Casebook episode
* Help Detective Burton find the urn – lost in a bizarre basement
* Analyze evidence in forensic minigames
* Solve the mystery of the urn
Download CaseBook Episode 0
Fate by Numbers
Posted by Angelinux |
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