
GMC 17 Jam – Top 10

posted in ACTION, GAMEPACKS | 1 Comment

Gmc jam 17 is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Synchronise”.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


GMC 18 Jam – Top 10

posted in ACTION, GAMEPACKS | 2 Comments

Gmc jam 18 is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Cold War”.


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Posted by FireSword | 2 Comments »


GMC Jam 12 – Top 10

posted in ACTION, GAMEPACKS | 1 Comment

Gmc jam 12 is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Evolution”.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


Gmc Jam 13 – Top 5

posted in ACTION, GAMEPACKS | 1 Comment

Gmcjam 13 is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Pirates”.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


Gmc jam 11 Gamepack

Gmc jam 11 (Summer) is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Monsters”.


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Posted by FireSword | 3 Comments »


Nik Sudan’s Games

Here is a collection of Nik Sudan Games.


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Posted by FireSword | No Comments »


Ludum Dare 32 Top 20 Compo Gamepack

Here is a minipack from Ludum Dare 32, the top 20 Compo games as voted by Ludum Dare Audience. The Theme of this compo was An Unconventional Weapon.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


Ludum Dare 32 Top 20 Jam Gamepack

Here is a minipack from Ludum Dare 32, the top 20 JAM games as voted by Ludum Dare Audience. The Theme of this compo was An Unconventional Weapon.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


Jonathan Whiting ‘s Games

Here is a collection of games made by Jonathan Whiting.


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Posted by FireSword | No Comments »


Tokumizman Gamepack

Here is a small gamepack (4 games) from japanese developer Tokumizman.


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Posted by FireSword | No Comments »