Escape an ancient temple by utilizing its arcane artifacts in an intriguing 2D puzzle plat-former. Win 10 only.
Chained is a side-scrolling platformer that explores the nature of negative dependency and loss through its ball-and-chain mechanic. Explore the psyche of an ordinary family man as he struggles to cope with the weight and consequences of his choices. Will he redeem himself from the damage he has caused or fall further into despair?
Chained is a Platformer and Poetic Experience. (words of Developers)
SubRay is an atmospheric underwater exploration game with a focus on survival in an unknown alien world. Being developed since early 2013 by a team of 8 students at DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Frozen Masquerade is a 2D Fighter game for the PC. The game supports up to 4 players, has 8 playable characters, 6 stages, and AI controlled players.
Luminosity is a fast-paced RTS where you gain control of a planet by capturing the ring that surrounds the planet.
Tradewind is a 2D, non-linear platformer with a focus on free-form flight. Tradewind is a fantasy mercantile city-state in the sky. Made up of thousands of ships and structures all rigged to hot-air balloons and sails, Tradewind drifts through the sky to the four corners of the world trading commodities, goods and services. It is a place of opportunity, and a melting pot of many cultures and strange business ventures. You play as Swift, a professional handyman armed with a mad artificer’s personal flight unit: The Zephyr. With the Zephyr, Swift spends his days flying at breakneck speeds through the streets, decks, and rigging of Tradewind performing odd jobs for its even more odd inhabitants, earning reputation and investments to save the failing business he works for.