
Awesome Happy Heroes

Manage your Super Heroes Team. Happy City was once peaceful and filled with joy. But then villains arrived and brought chaos and made everyone sad. Happy City needs a band of heroes to restore order. Happy City needs you!


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posted in ACTION, MAC, VIDEO | 1 Comment

The game S.A.W.Z.E. (Super Awesome Wheelchair Zombie Escape) was developed as a student project during the winter semester 2014 at the Games Academy in Berlin. S.A.W.Z.E. is inspired by the old school arcade legend “Pac-man” and it aims to bring out the hectic and dynamic gameplay into a modern theme with more complex mechanics. The main goal of S.A.W.Z.E. is to add diverse features like collectable power up items or different opponent types, as well as to add level objectives for the player to accomplish, while keeping simple and dynamic gameplay.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


WarHammer 40k Dawn of Awesome

posted in FUNNY, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

An hilarious funny sketch of the Space Marines.. ops i meant Spehhss Marheens!.. 😆


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