So is the game good or bad? Well i think the face of Joe pretty much says it all.. 😆 I personally learned my lesson when i bought full price Aliens vs. Predator (2010), plus A:Colonial Marines is priced 50 bucks-euro which was a no go for me since the beginning..
Here is one of the review of Angry Joe.. I played Guild Wars 1 for years, dunno if i will join the Guild Wars 2 goodness but from what i ‘ve seen and heard they made the best mmo out there even more beautiful to look and play!
Angry Birds is a perfect example of how very simple ideas can be a success.. IF you craft them with original character, an ultra cool graphic style and tons of little details which make it emerge from the masses of mini flashgames. The idea behind angry birds ain’t original nor it is the first game to use this gameplay, but it surely is a big success.. i dunno if it is just a lonely case but if it’s not developers should definetly learn from it how to make an audience successfull game.