
A girl about RapeLay

posted in NEWS | 2 Comments

I think you know about RapeLay, the controversial game which was retired from selling with apologies from one of the biggest shoppingsite online. Here is a video of a girl talking about the game, i think it is interesting to listen the thoughts of a female about this game, plus she is beauty which is always a good thing.. 😆

Nixie Pixie Blog


RapeLay Benchmark

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Posted by Angelinux | 2 Comments »


You Impact – Eco YouTube

YouImpact è la nuova piattaforma di sharing nata per creare una community che diffonda la cultura della sostenibilità e dell’ecologia in modo non convenzionale, frizzante, dinamico e perché no anche ironico.
Uno spazio dedicato alla creatività e all’inventiva, per esprimersi su temi ambientali con immagini, video e file audio. Per ogni contenuto inviato, con Impatto Zero® saranno creati nuovi metri quadrati di foresta.


YouImpact is a new social-video network, focused on the ecology.
For Every video (related to nature) uploaded they will create 1 square meter of forest.

Watch a video

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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »



At this moment there will be only few guys who didn’t know about this game, but i will give it a shot anyway, this flashgame is amazing, i think it’s worth a check…


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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »


Dante’s Inferno (trailer)

Wow a game inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divina Commedia (Inferno chapter), i wonder why they didn’t make a game inspired by this great book already some years ago.. Will EA game be good or bad.. hell if i know 😆

“Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
Che la diritta via era smarrita.”

“In the middle of the journey of our life
I came to myself within a dark wood
where the straight way was lost.”
(Inferno, Canto I, lines 1-3)

(Inferno, Canto III, vv. 1-9)

“All hope abandon, ye who enter in.”
(Inferno, Canto III, line 9)

BONUS: Disco Inferno


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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »


World of Battles (mmo-strategy)

Welcome to a world torn by warfare and strife; a world where the dead walk as a ravenous horde, and might armies clash even in the very depths of the earth. Welcome to a world where mortal men and women find themselves the playthings of ancient gods and their mysterious agendas. Welcome to the World of Battles!

World of Battles is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online real-time wargame in a fantasy setting where up to eight armies, each one made up of as many as 16 units (with each unit featuring up to 30 individual soldiers!), clash in exciting player-versus-player battles. In addition to the fast and furious action on the battlefield players can talk to each other, find, create and schedule games through the lobby system.

Link to World of Battles


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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »


BattleForge Open Beta

BattleForge is a next-gen real time strategy game, in which you fight epic battles against evil along with your friends. What makes BattleForge special is that you can assemble your army yourself: the units, buildings and spells in BattleForge are represented by collectible cards that you can trade with other players.

Starting on Friday, the 27th of February, gamers will no longer need to get a beta key to gain access to BattleForge Beta. The move to open the beta comes after the most recent patch released all 200 BattleForge cards and maps into the game, and approximately one month before BattleForge goes live.

BattleForge will hit the shelves on march 27th, there will not be a subscription model – playing on the servers is free. Just buy the client.



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2600 Online Play 50 more atari classic games

Play 50 atari classic games directly in your browser.

Requires Java.

Click Here to Play

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Linux Linpus

posted in LINUX | Leave a Comment

Limpus is used by some of major netbook manufacturer on their pc instead of installing Windows XP Home. Is very user friendly and adviced for beginners only, very easy to install and requirements are very low 400Mhz 128MB RAM and 512MB HD. DOWNLOAD (more…)

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Posted by FireSword | No Comments »


Another monday… another round of flash

Would like to suggest this nice flashgames from FlashGamesVillage

Wheel of Misfortune (great mini-game, try for the highscore)

LOLCaption (simple idea, nice time waster)

Syrup Factory

Fishing girl 2

Lord of War 2

Cursor Chaos

Bunny Invasion 2

and much more.. go check if u need some short break.. cya.

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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »


CarpeUniversum v1.2

Carpe Universum is an intense Shoot ’em Up (SHMUP) game that features a music driven spawning system.



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