
Neverdaunt: 8Bit

Neverdaunt is a dream like world of floating Islands and falling stars where nearly anything can happen. 8Bit refers to the era of computers with eight bit processors. N8 parodies the graphics style these computers were capable of and 8Bit also refers to N8 being a kind of Neverdaunt lite.
N8 is an online massively multiplayer virtual sandbox, A place to play, make friends, be creative and competitive.

Link to NeverDaunt


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Dottozogemuzu Journey to the Center of the Earth

(click on the image to see full size)

Journey to the Center of the Earth is an exploration platform game in which you play the role of a treasure hunter, out to retrieve forty pieces of relics from the ruins of an ancient civilization. You carry an unlimited number of bombs that can be used to hurt enemies or launch yourself higher into the air. A treasure map showing location hints and relics collected is accessible by pressing the A key at any time.

The game runs at a resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels, but you can also play it in full screen mode by pressing the F4 function key. There is no progress save feature, so you will have to spend about half an hour or more to complete the entire adventure in one go.

Download Dottozogemuzu


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Added some Stuff for Far Cry (the first one)

The CryENGINE C++ Mod SDK v1.4 for Far Cry is available for download. The Software Development Kit includes the updated game source code of Patch 1.4 as well as some new and re-worked documentations.

Download CryEngine

This patch includes the content from all patches ever released and thus updates your Far Cry 1.0/1.1 version to 1.4. Despite the rumors, this patch will be available for Windows 32-bit version only.

Download FarCry Patch v1.4 Full


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Where are you APB?

posted in MMO, NEWS, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

What about a Grand Theft Auto multiplayer and mmo?

Imagine a living breathing city, but for the first time ever it’s online with streets full of vehicles and thousands of civilians going about their daily life.

Introduce 100 players to this online city. Their mission is to achieve fame and fortune, and achieve it fast. Many will take to a life of crime, feeding on the city, its people and its businesses. Other players, the enforcers, will feed on the criminal players. What will the outcome be?

The great thing is, we don’t know! It’s an online sandbox. Many players will gain fame, fortune or notoriety. Alliances will be formed, rivalries will be bitter. One thing we do know, every player will be unique. Thanks to leading edge technology, players can personalize their looks, clothing, vehicles and music.

Welcome to the next evolution of action games into the persistent online space. You’re going to love it.

The price and payment model have not been finalized yet but we can say it won’t be the traditional monthly subscription model.

Spring 2010.

Beta Application


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Recently i visited this MTV website, about smoke and quitters.
It has some interesting stats and writing about this argument, we are all different, if i was a philosopher i would say unique, for some people is pretty easy to stop smoking, for others is like a nightmare, others which are the most enlightened never starts this pointless shit.

On the site are cited three methods to stop smoking:

1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement products can help smokers overcome what is often the hardest part quitting – the physical addiction. There are lots of different types of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT):

* Gum
* Patches
* Inhalators
* Microtabs
* Lozenges
* Nasal Spray

NRT doubles someone’s chances of giving up successfully by helping to manage the withdrawal symptoms. Because the nicotine enters the body differently to cigarettes, it’s much less addictive. Also, NRT does not contain tar, poisons or carbon monoxide the way cigarettes do, so it doesn’t cause cancer.

It’s suitable for most adults, but if the smoker has a heart or circulatory condition, or is on regular medication, they should seek advise from their doctor. Likewise if the smoker is pregnant, she should consult a doctor.

2. Quitting without medical aids – “Cold Turkey”

This method requires tremendous will power and strength of mind – it involves setting a date to give up and then not smoking from that day onwards. This is probably the most popular and quickest method to kick the habit, but the success rate is only around 3%.

People who have managed to quit “cold turkey” style will generally feel a real sense of pride and achievement. This method is extremely safe, as no other chemicals or drugs are involved, and of course the cheapest! But it is tough and generally only suits strong-minded quitters who are completely motivated and determined to succeed.

3. Cutting Down

Attempting to stop smoking by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day is another popular method, with the ultimate goal being to quit altogether. And, as many ex-smokers will testify, it is possible.

Across 19 studies that looked at the effects of cutting back, participants in 16 of them benefitted by taking the next step and giving up entirely, according to research conducted by the University of Vermont.

The benefits

* You will regain taste and smell within a few days.
* Your breathing will return to being more regular and natural.
* You will regain a steadier rhythm of life – sleep more soundly and therefore feel more relaxed.
* You will regain peace of mind and your taste for life – the stress, anxiety and irritability that are provoked by giving up cigarettes will rapidly fade away (therapeutic methods can help), and the related advantages will quickly take the upper hand.
* Your skin and hair will regain a healthier appearance. As will your fingers, teeth and breath, which no longer show the effects of your smoking habit.
* You will regain your place in society: the increasing predominance of smoke-free public spaces allows you to live a healthy and normal life avoiding permanent tobacco temptation.

Tobacco kills!
Each year tobacco is responsible for thousands of deaths. One out of ten smokers sees their life expectancy lowered by 20 years. Tobacco causes many diseases – including cancer.

Tobacco is harmful for those close to the smoker!
Besides the annoyance suffered by those close to you, smoke causes discomfort and immediate or long term diseases. Children, in particular, are vulnerable to other people’s smoke.

Please don’t be offended or annoyed by this post, i didn’t want to look as a professor.. i just found this site and wanted to share.

You can do it!

Link to MTV Smoke


Sniper Cigarette

What happens to your Body?

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RunMan: Race Around the World

A fast and colourful platformer.


* Run through 35+ levels across 6 unique and preposterous zones!
* Complete ridiculous feats of speed to earn shiny medals!
* Unlock 4 lovable secret characters and probably some other stuff!
* Colorful, bright, crude, colorful graphics!
* Classic tunes courtesy of masters like Robert Johnson, Louis Armstrong, Blind Blake, and more!
* You can’t die!

Link to RunMan RATW


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Posted by Angelinux | 1 Comment »



GCO is a space and planetary combat MMO that takes place in a massive galaxy. The game is developed by 3000AD, a company with over twenty years experience in developing high end and hard core space/planetary combat games such as the Battlecruiser and Universal Combat series, and most recently the All Aspect Warfare games.

It is however not a traditional MMO. For one thing, though the servers are capable of supporting tens of thousands of players, each game Universe only allows up to 256 players. There is no instancing, sharding or waiting in a game lobby queue to play.

Link to GCO in the Archive


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Fist of the North Star Musou!

Wow! This looks great! 😆
After going Gundam i guess this was the next natural step for Dinasty Warriors series.

p.s Everybody knows that punks are immune to radioactivity but they can’t survive the Hokuto’s doom. 😆


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Posted by Angelinux | 2 Comments »


Naumachia – Space Warfare Preview

“It is the near future, Earth is gone and mankind is once again at war.”

* Fighter Simulation: Customize fighters of various classes, engage in dogfights and lead AI wingmen.
* Tactical Simulation: Command capital ships, give orders to the crew and launch fighter wings.
* Fast Multiplayer Action: Up to 16 players.
* Rank System: Get access to more advanced hardware and AI units.
* Realistic Physics: But immediate controls.
* Scalable Proprietary Engine: From normal mapping and post-processing effects down to DirectX 8.

Although the game will be free to download and play, to enjoy all its features you will have to buy a (cheap) license.


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Platinum Arts SandBox v2.4

Platinum Arts Sandbox is an open source easy to use standalone 3D Game Maker and 3D Game Design program currently based on the cube 2 engine being used in many schools throughout the world that allows kids and adults to create their own video games, worlds, levels, adventures and quests, even cooperatively! The goal is to make it accessible to kids but also powerful enough for full game projects. With a simple click and roll of a mouse wheel users can modify the world however they want. In the words of Margaret, a nine year old Sandbox whiz I babysit for, “Press Edit and go fulfill your dreams!”. Now features new game modes such as sidescroller, machinima, kartmode, RPG, and more!

The Mission: The mission of Sandbox is to make it as easy as possible for kids and adults to make their own games and worlds. The idea is that if we make it easy enough for kids to use, hopefully it will be easy enough for adults as well.

Platinum Arts Sandbox Main Features:
* Kid Friendly, Free and Open Source.
* Editing is done in game, including cooperatively over the Internet or LAN.
* Easy enough for kids to use but powerful enough for full game projects.
* Several different modes, including cart, sidescroller, movie (machinima) and RPG
* Several custom maps that feature saving a princess, mazes, houses, quests, etc
* The pursuit of making it as easy as possible to add map features and content.

Download for Windows
Download for Linux (Multiplatform)
Downloa for Macintosh


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