
World of Tanks Tank Destroyers Gameplay

posted in FPS, MMO, NEWS, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

After watching the light and medium tanks could we didn’t post the video of the steel beasts? Of course we couldn’t, eansted we decide to post the video for your tankerish pleasure..


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Gamersfirst Trailer

posted in FPS, MMO, NEWS, VIDEO | 6 Comments

Gamersfirst looks a very promising free games portal.. here is a trailer of what they offer so far..
Hey Gamersfirst Where is my Victory: Age of Racing game? 😆


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Posted by FireSword | 6 Comments »


Game Maker for Mac… is go!

Game Maker for Macintosh has been released. GM is a nice program to create 2d games.


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Guild Wars 2 Manifesto

Guild Wars 1 was a nice game, with a great graphic and an innovative business system (no monthly fee). Guil Wars 2 will be even better, well i guess this is what you get when you ensemble a teams of talents, it’s not a case that many of the developers comes from the Blizzard (the real blizzard). Here for you some nice screenshots and a wallpaper (custom made by me) for your desktop. Enjoy both video and screens..


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MicroSoft Kinect to recognize American Sign Language

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Wow this is really an useful thing.. think to people who can’t talk, they could be heard by anyone with the voice of their choice..
For now i think it can only be done inside a room, or outside but you have to wear a back-pack to move around the computer, but who knows maybe in the future thanks to the miniaturization a small cell phone will do the job (and a hat for the videocamera), actually u only need a strong cpu and a big energy-battery so having a portable kinetict should be already factible today.


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Microsoft Surface Gaming

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Do you like this stuff? Here some videos of games being played on Microsoft Surface…


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Wonderland Online Gift Pack Giveaway

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If you are a Wonderland player you may be interested in this gift from FileFront and Igg..


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Heroes of Three Kingdoms Open Beta

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Heroes of Three Kingdoms is in Open Beta, which means accessible by all..
Have you tried this game? Sun Jian, Liu Bei or Cao Cao? We know how it went in history but how it will go in the mmo?


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Added some links to the sidebar

Added some links in the sidebar, the first is a dedicated page to one of our games (1493) we made some time ago, i thought it deserved a dedicated page on the internet.. What! You didn’t play it? :O Hurry go make a play and insert your highscore!! 😆

The others 2 link aren’t new but i thought they need some little more visibility, they are links who direct you to the old and new archived files, while the old archive contains over 3000 games it doesn t contain the new ones as the new archive which is more integrated with the site, while before it was kinda two different blocks..

So here we go with the links, which are always accessible and hopefully visible on the right sidebar..


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posted in FUNNY, MMO, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

Zentia is the newest 3D Free to Play multiplayer mmo from ChangYou (US). Play one of 22 unique characters as they try to save Zentia. Ride multiperson mounts, wear wacky outfits and challenge your friends in this comical game.


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