
All your Closed Beta are belong to Us

HellGate is back, Elements of War starts the cb and Bounty Hounds as well.

Here the links and details:

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Seven Dragons

posted in BROWSER, RTS | Leave a Comment

Seven Dragons is a free online RTS game from Outspark.


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Concurrence v1.2

Concurrence is a Flashback-style 2D platformer created by mode7 for submission to the Monthly AGS competition (a friendly game development jam that involves making adventure games using AGS in under four weeks). You’re an astronaut who is stranded on an alien planet with no memory of what has happened, and the only way to get answers to all of the questions in his head is to move forward and explore his surroundings further.


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Empire & State

Empire & State is a new breed of massively multiplayer online world. As in the real world, Empire & State will be driven by business, politics, crime, and warfare. You could step into the shoes of a CEO, President, Criminal Mastermind, or General, but you’ll need real world skills to be successful.


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BulletStorm SoundTrack

posted in MUSIC, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

The Bulletstorm Soundtrack.


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Ruined goes Open Beta

Ruined is a free multiplayer shooter from bigpoint.


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Relic Riding to Conquer Cancer

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Well, i found on the blog of one of my favourite game (Dow 2 Retribution) this. This is a very important and delicate matter, so i don’t know if the post is really appropriate here but i thought it could have been useful to spread this news.

To our fans and community members,

My name’s Ryan McGechaen – I’m a designer representing a group of developers working at Relic and I’m writing today to ask for your help in support of a great cause.

Every year, millions of people across the world are diagnosed with some form of Cancer. Every year an estimated 7.5 million people will die from this disease. It’s a horrible condition that affects not only those with it, but loved ones around them. Though survival rates have gone up through new forms of research and treatments available – it’s still not enough; one death from this condition is one too many.

Several of my fellow employees and I are looking to do our part to aid the B.C. Cancer foundation which has already made great strides in research and treatment options. These breakthroughs not only benefit the province of BC, but the entire world as we work towards the common goal of eliminating Cancer once and for all.

To help aid the foundation, a group of us will be taking part in the Ride to Conquer Cancer this year under the Relic flag. It’s a two-day bike ride that will take us from Vancouver, BC down to Seattle, WA. This is where you come in – we are reaching out to our community to ask for donations so that we can take part in this amazing event on June 18th and 19th. No amount is too small as every dollar goes straight to the BC Cancer Foundation. The ride takes place every year with hundreds of people from all walks of life.

At the bottom of this page you’ll find a link to our Team Page – which will in turn contain links to the eight of us who are going to be participating. If you decide to help us with donations, please donate specifically to the team members by clicking on their pages and then using the “DONATE ONLINE NOW” option at the top of their page. Alternatively, you can find a link to a printable donation form near the bottom of their page just above their participant ID. If the member you’ve selected has already reached his goal of $2,500 – please choose another developer; this will ensure the entire team is able to make it.

Once again, any donation will help – big or small and each donation over $10 is 100% tax deductible; together we can help make history. On behalf of Team Relic, we thank each and every one of you, our wonderful fans.

The Relic Team page:

** Please note: Use the donation links on the individual team member pages, not the “Support Relic Entertainment” link – this will ensure each of our riders are able to make it provided they reach the $2,500 mark.

Retribution Blog page

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Teaser Trailers

posted in FPS, NEWS, VIDEO | 1 Comment

Spoiler: It will be a game with sci-fi story set in the modern era gunfights.. 😆

The game will be availabe this November 8th 2011, the battle with BattleField 3 have already begun (well if you don t buy both)
Here the teasers trailers:


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King of the Streets is a 2D fighting game based off developers of the game and others and inspired by Mortal Kombat.


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11 free days of Heroes of Newerth

posted in DEMO, NEWS | Leave a Comment

Starting today (Thursday, May 12) at 9 p.m. EST S2 will celebrate the first anniversary of Heroes of Newerth by launching eleven days of free-to-play and major game updates to thank the HoN community and entice new players to join the game. Highlights also include free goblin coins to all players who complete a game during the F2P session, and a game update patching on Friday, May 13th, which includes a redesigned item shop as well as new hero guides, tooltips and avatars.


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