
SmashMuck Champions

SmashMuck Champions is a multiplayer action/strategy game featuring online multiplayer combat. Players build and train their own SmashMuck teams, entering the arena to do battle in the toughest sport on Planet Muck. By teaming up with other Champions they work to defeat their opponents in gladiatorial-style games like Plunderball and Destroyer. Combat is fast paced.


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Smash Da Gas

posted in BROWSER, RACING, VIDEO | 2 Comments

UPDATE:The Game seems closed, it’s not clear if the developers will re-open the game at some point or not.

Smash Da Gas is a browser based, 3d, multiplayer racing game with nice graphics, physics, and real-time multiplayer technology. The game features cartoon caricature “Chibi” style cars. In addition to traditional racing, Smash Da Gas has “Freestyle Hangout Parks” in which players can chat, explore, or challenge each other to races. A wagering system adds a unique and exciting dimension to the game. Players can bet game currency on races with the ability to win or lose virtual fortunes!


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ORC Online Racing Championship – video preview

ORC is a realistic racing simulator that is based on real world cars using a physics engine that was developed in partnership with a formula 1 team. This means that the simulator has been tried by a team of formula 1 engineers and tested by a formula 1 driver to ensure maximum realism. It is currently under development…


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Tradewind is a 2D, non-linear platformer with a focus on free-form flight. Tradewind is a fantasy mercantile city-state in the sky. Made up of thousands of ships and structures all rigged to hot-air balloons and sails, Tradewind drifts through the sky to the four corners of the world trading commodities, goods and services. It is a place of opportunity, and a melting pot of many cultures and strange business ventures. You play as Swift, a professional handyman armed with a mad artificer’s personal flight unit: The Zephyr. With the Zephyr, Swift spends his days flying at breakneck speeds through the streets, decks, and rigging of Tradewind performing odd jobs for its even more odd inhabitants, earning reputation and investments to save the failing business he works for.


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The Great Work

Fulcanelli has just produced a philosopher’s stone. He gives it to his apprentice (that is you) and now he expects you to return with some gold. Problem is, he didn’t provide a manual.


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War of the Roses Free Trial Version

A free trial version of War of the Roses is planned for release February 6, which will allow anyone to download and play the game without cost. The trial version will include access to all online battles, enabling aspiring warriors to fight alongside all existing players – paid or trial. The trial version will limit players by disallowing any unlocks, giving access only to the game’s base classes and weapons, giving trial players a chance to live true knighthood.


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Half-Life Movie fundrising

Received and re-post.
Do you remember the pilot of the fan movie Enter the Freeman? The people behind that project are trying to raise the money via Indiegogo to make a Half-life series..

So for more informations and-or if you want to support them head here: Half-life Movie Indiegogo


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I am Fear

posted in ACTION | Leave a Comment

I am Fear is a game made by Luca Contato for the global game jam 2013, the game is accessible for visually impaired users but is enjoyable by everyone… You can’t see anything, but you can feel the fear of your preys and find them by their heartbeat. Hold firmly your x-box controller, roam around the level and feel the rumble: the closer you’ll get to your target the stronger its heartbeat will be.


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Man VS The World

Man Vs. The World is a side-scrolling shooter that contains platforming elements. You leap from your ship and steal other ships.


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Games from the past Sequels

posted in NEWS, RETRO, VIDEO | 2 Comments

You probably already know… Lately there are a lot of sequel of classic games in the works.. here they are..


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