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Easter Avenger Rating: 2.5

Un ottimo platform-shooter dalla grafica curata e piacevole da giocare. 12 livelli a colpi di cioccolata.

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 21.04.2006
» Size 4.77 MB; Needed time to download 10,590 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 629
» Rating: 2.5 at 2 Votes

Xsynergy Gate Rating: 4

» Author: dtd. 17.04.2006
» Size 18.88 MB; Needed time to download 41,2419 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 783
» Rating: 4 at 1 Votes

Space Mercenary 1.032

Un gioco della gryphon ware, uno shooter a scorrimento verticale, con sprite 3d, niente male.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 16.04.2006
» Size 14.31 MB; Needed time to download 31,1829 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 750
» Rating: 0.6 at 5 Votes

Fushigina Mori no Pokora Rating: 1

Un simpatico gioco giapponese, nei panni di una ragazzina dovremo acchiappare tutti i 'conigli'. XD
Sito Autore

Freccie = muoversi
Z = salta
X = corri
Z+X = super power (dura poco)
Z+X mentre si corre per un super-salto
F9 = ricomincia livello
Esc = uscire dal gioco

» Author: dtd. 14.04.2006
» Size 4.2 MB; Needed time to download 9,531 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 658
» Rating: 1 at 126 Votes

Abuse Rating: 1

Abuse un platform-shooter, porting.
Sito Autore Porting

» Author: dtd. 13.04.2006
» Size 2.77 MB; Needed time to download 6,354 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 697
» Rating: 1 at 61 Votes

4D Prince of Persia

Un remake del famoso Prince of Persia(1990).

» Author: dtd. 12.04.2006
» Size 0.57 MB; Needed time to download 75 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1152
» Rating: 0.5 at 4 Votes


» Author: dtd. 12.04.2006
» Size 1.91 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 696
» Rating: 6 at 1 Votes

Warning Forever

Uno shooter a scorrimetno verticale.

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 08.04.2006
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 907
» Not rated yet

Street of Rage (REMAKE) Rating: 1.19

Un simpatico remake di Street of Rage, un bellissimo classico della vecchia console 16-bit sega.

» Author: dtd. 06.04.2006
» Size 12.4 MB; Needed time to download 27,1593 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 3061
» Rating: 1.19 at 204 Votes

CastleVania (Quake1 TC)

Una total conversion per quake 1, sigle player.
Un action platform adventure 3d ispirato al famoso
gioco Castlevania.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 04.04.2006
» Size 8.58 MB; Needed time to download 18,1062 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 480
» Not rated yet

N Rating: 1

2d Action puzzle platform completo di editor di livelli. Vincitore IGF 2005

Sito Autore

Versione Flash, PC, Mac + Download

Download from Author web site

» Author: dtd. 02.04.2006
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 610
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

O-DEN 2000

» Author: dtd. 31.03.2006
» Size 0.95 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 763
» Rating: 0.97 at 63 Votes

Akuji the Demon

Un bel platform. Se avete problemi usate winrar
o 7zip per scompattare l'archivio.

Sito Autore
Download from author Site

» Author: dtd. 31.03.2006
» Size 1.91 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 717
» Not rated yet

Tower of Goo Unlimited Rating: 1.07

» Author: dtd. 29.03.2006
» Size 1.91 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1059
» Rating: 1.07 at 158 Votes


Wings of Megaira is a classically styled top-down shooter in which you control a fighter ship against fast-moving waves of alien enemies. Players can fly solo, or join forces for a two-player cooperative fight using the keyboard or a joystick.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 25.03.2006
» Size 28.61 MB; Needed time to download 62,3658 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 756
» Not rated yet

Robocop 2d

Robocop vs Terminator(platform)
Robocop returns in this bigger and better sequel to the original Robocop 2D.
Alex Murphy is now the target of the self aware CPU Skynet. Lured by a Terminator
appearing in Detroit, Murphy is trapped in a timesphere device only to reboot
seconds later in the rubble of Los Angeles 2029!
Extras:- Time Attack mode, 7 Challenge modes & 3 Mini-games.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 23.03.2006
» Size 14.31 MB; Needed time to download 31,1829 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 762
» Not rated yet

Clouds Kingdom 3

Un platform nei panni di un ninja con grafica e musica curati.

» Author: dtd. 16.03.2006
» Size 6.68 MB; Needed time to download 14,826 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 316
» Not rated yet

UltraStar v0.3.3

UltraStar is a FREE, open source, PC Karaoke simulator, similar to the well known Singstar (PlayStation 2).

» Author: dtd. 14.03.2006
» Size 0.95 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 633
» Not rated yet

Xenon 2000: Project PCF

Dagli stessi Bitmap brothers il remake di Xenon, un bel shooter. Attenzione il gioco sembra aver problemi se si cambia la directory di default durante l'installazione.
Official Site
One known problem is that it gets a bit confused if you install it into anything other than the default folder, so, if possible, please install it there.

» Author: dtd. 11.03.2006
» Size 13.35 MB; Needed time to download 29,1711 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 823
» Not rated yet

VSYS Gaiden

Un bellissimo shooter.

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 10.03.2006
» Size 1.14 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 891
» Not rated yet


onEscapee is a graphic action-adventure very much in the Flashback mould with a gameplay similar to Another World.

Official Site

» Author: dtd. 10.03.2006
» Size 143.05 MB; Needed time to download 312,18408 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 737
» Not rated yet

Star Gunner (1996)

Uno sparatutto a scorrimento orizzontale con 34 livelli pieni d'azione. Richiede DosBox o VDMsound.

» Author: dtd. 09.03.2006
» Size 36.24 MB; Needed time to download 79,4661 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 754
» Not rated yet

One Must Fall 2097(1994)

Combattimenti tra mech.. se non funziona provate ad usare DOSbox.

» Author: dtd. 08.03.2006
» Size 5.72 MB; Needed time to download 12,708 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 657
» Not rated yet

Yoda Sensible Soccer v0.72 Rating: 1

Started on June 2002, Yoda Soccer is a project which intends to create a new free game for Windows with the gameplay and the style of the well known Sensible World of Soccer (a.k.a. SWOS). This doesn't mean that we'll redo swos for this OS, it would be only a waste of time, but we'll try to add many features missed in Swos. If you want to know more about this, please go in the Info section.
Yoda soccer is written in Blitzmax language. The source code is open and availaible for everyone who want to help us to improve the game.

Official Site

» Author: dtd. 08.03.2006
» Size 5.72 MB; Needed time to download 12,708 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 805
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

Arm Joe v1.4 Rating: 4

Street fighter incontra i miserabili (Les Miserables), un picchiaduro con i personaggi del romanzo di Victor Hugo.

Official Site

» Author: dtd. 06.03.2006
» Size 127.28 MB; Needed time to download 278,16402 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 823
» Rating: 4 at 2 Votes

Mortal Kombat Project Rating: 1

Un progetto dei fans che vede protagonisti i guerrieri di mortal kombat che furoreggiavano nelle sale giochi di una decade fa. Ottimo progetto realizzato con il mugen.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 06.03.2006
» Size 43.87 MB; Needed time to download 95,5605 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 976
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

Hokuto no Ken The Fighting game (mugen) Rating: 1.43

A game on KenShiro Universe, developed by a group of italian fans. Great mugen game.
Un gioco sull'universo di Ken Shiro sviluppato da degli appasionati, complimenti al team italiano dietro questo gioco. Stupendo!

Official Site

» Author: dtd. 06.03.2006
» Size 24.8 MB; Needed time to download 54,3186 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 4141
» Rating: 1.43 at 86 Votes

Super Cosplay War Rating: 1

Un bellisimo picchiaduro free alla street fighter, con i personaggi cosplay!

Official Site (password, manuals and mirrors)

» Author: dtd. 04.03.2006
» Size 190.73 MB; Needed time to download 416,24544 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 710
» Rating: 1 at 2 Votes

Codename: Gordon

Un bel gioco in flash ispirato alle gesta di Gordon Freeman(Half-life). Scaricabile gratuitamente solo via steam.

Sito web

» Author: dtd. 03.03.2006
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 343
» Not rated yet

Halo Zero Rating: 1

Un gioco fatto dai fans, Halo 2d, simile ad abuse o metal slug ma con i suoni e i personaggi di Halo. Incluso un editor di livelli.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 03.03.2006
» Size 19.07 MB; Needed time to download 41,2419 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 489
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

Transcendece 0.96a

Alone at the edge of Human Space, a Viking-class gunship approaches. Mistaking you for a harmless craft, the Viking attacks, but its thin hull is no match for the blast of your slam cannon. Looting the Viking's wreck, you consider your path. The next system is filled with Slavers and your armor needs repair. Push on towards the Core or backtrack to a safe port?
Domina awaits you at the Galactic Core and with her hangs the fate of the Galaxy. Will her powers be enough to overcome the ancient malevolence known as Oracus? And what role will you play? Leaving the floating wreck behind, you thrust towards the stargate at the edge of the system. Your journey continues.

-Explore dozens of randomly generated star systems. No two games are ever the same.
-Fight over a hundred different kinds of enemy ships and stations, each with distinct abilities.
-Loot wreckage to obtain more powerful weapons, armor, and shields. Or purchase them at dozens of different friendly stations.
-Escort transports for Korolov Shipping, smuggle illegal items for the Black Market, or join the Commonwealth Fleet and fight against the Ares Orthodoxy.

Un gioco di combattimenti spaziali arcade-adventure.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: dtd. 02.03.2006
» Size 8.11 MB; Needed time to download 17,1003 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 760
» Rating: 6 at 1 Votes

Sea of Chaos Rating: 1

» Author: dtd. 27.02.2006
» Size 37.2 MB; Needed time to download 81,4779 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 819
» Rating: 1 at 3 Votes

Ballistics Rating: 1

» Author: dtd. 27.02.2006
» Size 14.87 MB; Needed time to download 32,1888 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 736
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

Worms Breakout 2 Rating: 1.21

Sito Ufficiale/Official Site

Amazing Breakout experience, Based on the settings of Team17's popular Worms game series
30 original playable levels
9 different collectable Utility bonuses
8 different weapons, taken from the Worms series
Rare "Super Bonuses" which you can get by hitting the Super Sheep that pass the screen

» Author: dtd. 23.02.2006
» Size 20.27 MB; Needed time to download 44,2596 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 941
» Rating: 1.21 at 58 Votes

Wild Metal Country(1999)

Wild Metal Country is a video game developed by DMA Design in 1999 for the Microsoft Windows and for the Dreamcast in 2000 as Wild Metal. Along with Grand Theft Auto and its sequel, Wild Metal Country was made available for free download by Rockstar Games on their website in 2004.
Wild Metal Country is an action game where the player can choose from five different types of tanks and fights with other tanks on the battlefield.
Dalla Rockstar game un free classico.
Scaricabile solo dal sito ufficiale dopo una semplice registrazione.

» Author: dtd. 21.02.2006
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 465
» Not rated yet

GTA 2 - Grand Theft Auto 2 (1999) Rating: 4

From RockStar a free classic game.
Downloadable only from the official site trough a simple registration.
Dalla Rockstar game un free classico.
Scaricabile solo dal sito ufficiale dopo una semplice registrazione.

Watch a video

» Author: dtd. 21.02.2006
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 707
» Rating: 4 at 6 Votes

Grand Theft Auto(1997)

From RockStar a free classic game.
Downloadable only from the official site trough a simple registration.
Dalla Rockstar game un free classico.
Scaricabile solo dal sito ufficiale dopo una semplice registrazione.

Watch a video

» Author: dtd. 21.02.2006
» Size 312.81 MB; Needed time to download 683,40297 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 591
» Rating: 4.46 at 13 Votes

Wings of Fury REMAKE Rating: 1.22

A nice remake of Wings of Fury.
Un bel remake di un vecchio gioco.. Wings of Fury.

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 17.02.2006
» Size 2.41 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2017
» Rating: 1.22 at 64 Votes

TUX racer Rating: 1

Tux Racer is a free 3D computer game starring the Linux mascot, Tux the penguin.

In the game, the player controls Tux (or one of three other characters) as he slides down a course of snow and ice collecting herring. Sliding on ice makes Tux go faster, while sliding on snow allows for more maneuverability and sliding on rocky patches will slow Tux down. There are also trees to block Tux's path and flags for sake of marking out the course.
For windows, linux and mac os x.
Il mitico Tux.. in una gara contro il tempo.. per windows, linux e mac os x.

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 17.02.2006
» Size 7.64 MB; Needed time to download 16,944 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 852
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

Turrican 2002 Rating: 1

A great remake of Turrican.
Un bel remake di Turrican, vecchio gioco per Amiga e completo di editor di livelli!

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 16.02.2006
» Size 38.48 MB; Needed time to download 84,4956 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1073
» Rating: 1 at 56 Votes

CLOUD Rating: 1

Cloud, also known as That Cloud Game or Cloud: The Game, is a third-person computer puzzle game, designed by Jenova Chen, based on weather and atmospheric aesthetics.The first version of Cloud was released as a free download on the web in the fall of 2005. Designed in the Interactive Media Division at the University of Southern California. The game features distinctive hand-drawn art, as well as non-violent, whimsical play inspired by Keita Takahashi's Katamari Damacy. The URL for Cloud, is drawn from a remark by Bing Gordon, who referred to Katamari Damacy as "that garbage game.
Un divertente, originale e rilassante gioco free in cui potremo volare tra uno splendido arcipelago di isolotti...

lo zip comprende anche il manuale.

Sito Autore

» Author: FireSword dtd. 14.02.2006
» Size 41.23 MB; Needed time to download 90,5310 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 890
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

ULTIMATE BUB n BROS v1.5 Rating: 1

A multiplayer remake of famous Bubble Bobble.

* 1 to 10 players -- the best fun is with at least 3 players!
* Same gameplay as the famous McSebi's Bub & Bob.
* Over-the-network game and/or up to 3 players on the same computer.
* Completely original crazy bonuses!
* Capture other players in a bubble!
* New levels, including a random level generator!
* Don't miss Paxed's online level editor.
Un remake fantasioso e multiplayer del famoso Bubble Bobble.

Multiplayer fino a 10 giocatori!
Stesso gameplay del famoso McSebi's Bub & Bob per macintosh.
Partite in rete o fino in 3 sullo stesso computer.
Nuovi e originali bonus!
Cattura gli altri giocatori in una bolla!
Nuovi livelli e livelli generati random!

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 09.02.2006
» Size 11.85 MB; Needed time to download 25,1475 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2717
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes

Doukutsu Monogatari - CAVE STORY Rating: 1

Cave Story (Dokutsu Monogatari) is a freeware action-adventure video game released in 2004 for PC, designed and created over five years by Daisuke Amaya, art-name Pixel. It has been translated by fans to English by Aeon Genesis.
Un platform-advemture freeware stupendo! Da provare.

Sito Autore

Sito traduttore

» Author: dtd. 06.02.2006
» Size 1.11 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 734
» Rating: 1 at 5 Votes

Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX v1.04.1 Rating: 1.2

Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX is a non-profit fangame based on Nintendo's Super Mario series. It was released on July 30th, 2005. The game is a 2-D platform game created by game designer Ryan Bloom using the Clickteam Multimedia Fusion software authoring tool. Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX has a total of twelve stages (including two secret areas) and seven bosses. Most stages are based on aspects of Halloween, including a graveyard, pumpkin patch, and haunted clock tower. The secret areas include Christmas and April Fools' Day themed stages.
Non-profit gioco fatto dai fan basato sull'universo super mario.

Sito Autore

» Author: dtd. 05.02.2006
» Size 25.29 MB; Needed time to download 55,3245 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1493
» Rating: 1.2 at 93 Votes

Mario Forever 3.0 Rating: 1.06

A free PC remake of Super Mario.
Un remake free del famoso super mario.

Author Site

» Author: dtd. 05.02.2006
» Size 25.31 MB; Needed time to download 55,3245 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1517
» Rating: 1.06 at 169 Votes

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