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Home » Downloads » LINUX » OS


Linpus Linux Rating: 3.5

Limpus is used by some of major netbook manufacturer on their pc instead of installing Windows XP Home.
Is very user friendly and adviced for beginners only, very easy to install and requirements are very low 400Mhz 128MB RAM and 512MB HD


» Author: Angelinux dtd. 01.03.2009
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2259
» Rating: 3.5 at 2 Votes

GOS 1.01 LINUX i386 LIVECD Rating: 3.5

Based on Ubuntu 7.10 Linux system with an Enlightenment E17 interface, the PC's productivity will be almost solely derived from Google applications accessed through Firefox: Mail, Calendar, News, Maps and Documents & Spreadsheets. It also comes with 2.2 and some other freeware Linux favorates. This is the latest version that has been pruned to fit on to a normal CD.


» Author: Angelinux dtd. 17.11.2007
» Size 694.81 MB; Needed time to download 1517,89503 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2444
» Rating: 3.5 at 4 Votes


Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcome to join.

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 10.11.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 4791
» Rating: 2.67 at 3 Votes

PC LINUX OS 2007 Rating: 1

Featuring kernel, KDE 3.5.6, Open Office 2.2.0, Firefox, Thunderbird 2.0, Frostwire, Ktorrent, Amarok, Flash, Java JRE, Beryl 3D and much much more. Almost 2 gigs of software compressed on a single self bootable livecd that can be installed to your hard drive provided it is compatible with your system and you like the distribution. Over 5000+ additional packages available after hard drive install through our Synaptic Software Manager. Please note PCLinuxOS does not ship with Win32codes or DVD decryption software. Proprietary Nvidia and ATI drivers available after hard drive install.

Install tutorial
Official Site


» Author: Angelinux dtd. 04.06.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5148
» Rating: 1 at 1 Votes


Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcome to join.

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 02.06.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 4552
» Not rated yet


Ubuntu e' una distribuzione Linux derivata dalla ottima Debian. Disponibile in 3 versioni Live/Desktop, Sever e Custom Install per processori Intel x86, AMD x86-64/Intel EMT64 e Powerpc. La verione desktop occupa un solo cd e si puo' utilizzare sia come livecd che come versione da installare. Una volta installato potrete scaricarvi in modo automatico dal sito di Ubuntu oltre 10GB di programmi free! Ubuntu finalmente Linux a dimensione umana!


Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.

Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

We issue a new desktop and server release every six months. That means you'll always have the the latest and greatest applications that the open source world has to offer.

Ubuntu is designed with security in mind. You get free security updates for at least 18 months on the desktop and server. With the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three years support on the desktop, and five years on the server. There is no extra fee for the LTS version, we make our very best work available to everyone on the same free terms. Upgrades to new versions of Ubuntu are and always will be free of charge.

Everything you need on one CD, which provides a complete working environment. Additional software is available online.

The graphical installer enables you to get up and running quickly and easily. A standard installation should take less than 25 minutes.

Once installed your system is immediately ready-to-use. On the desktop you have a full set of productivity, internet, drawing and graphics applications, and games.

On the server you get just what you need to get up and running and nothing you don't.

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 20.04.2007
» Size 667.57 MB; Needed time to download 1458,86022 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 896
» Not rated yet


CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. (CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.) CentOS is free.

------------------AUTHOR SITE ---------------

CentOS e' una distribuzione Linux fatta con gli stessi sorgeti di una nota distribuzione a pagamento (RedHat) e sostituendo i brand con i loghi di CentOS

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 06.04.2007
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 3277
» Not rated yet

UBUNTU 6.10 Rating: 1.01

Ubuntu e' una distribuzione Linux derivata dalla ottima Debian. Disponibile in 3 versioni Live/Desktop, Sever e Custom Install per processori Intel x86, AMD x86-64/Intel EMT64 e Powerpc. La verione desktop occupa un solo cd e si puo' utilizzare sia come livecd che come versione da installare. Una volta installato potrete scaricarvi in modo automatico dal sito di Ubuntu oltre 10GB di programmi free! Ubuntu finalmente Linux a dimensione umana!


» Author: Angelinux dtd. 26.10.2006
» Size 667.57 MB; Needed time to download 1458,86022 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 941
» Rating: 1.01 at 103 Votes

UBUNTU 6.06 Rating: 1

Ubuntu e' una distribuzione Linux derivata dalla ottima Debian. Disponibile in 3 versioni Live/Desktop, Sever e Custom Install per processori Intel x86, AMD x86-64/Intel EMT64 e Powerpc. La verione desktop occupa un solo cd e si puo' utilizzare sia come livecd che come versione da installare. Una volta installato potrete scaricarvi in modo automatico dal sito di Ubuntu oltre 10GB di programmi free! Ubuntu finalmente Linux a dimensione umana!


» Author: Angelinux dtd. 08.07.2006
» Size 667.57 MB; Needed time to download 1458,86022 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 845
» Rating: 1 at 61 Votes

Opensuse 10.1 32bit DVD

Opensuse 10.1 32bit DVD

» Author: Pres.Operaio Write Email to Pres.Operaio dtd. 18.05.2006
» Size 2048 MB; Needed time to download 4473,263907 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 956
» Not rated yet

Opensuse 10.1 64bit DVD Rating: 1

Opensuse 10.1 64bit DVD

» Author: Pres.Operaio Write Email to Pres.Operaio dtd. 18.05.2006
» Size 2048 MB; Needed time to download 4473,263907 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1033
» Rating: 1 at 41 Votes


La versione open della famosa distribuzione Red-Hat.
Questa distribuzione va bene sia per i neofiti che per una utenza un po piu' matura.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 21.03.2006
» Size 2048 MB; Needed time to download 4473,263907 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1072
» Rating: 1 at 92 Votes


La versione open della famosa distribuzione Red-Hat.
Questa distribuzione va bene sia per i neofiti che per una utenza un po piu' matura.

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 10.02.2006
» Size 2048 MB; Needed time to download 4473,263907 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1174
» Not rated yet


La versione di Open Suse 10 che non necessita di installazione. Ideale per provarla senza formattare e partizionare l'HD del vostro PC. Fare il boot da dvd-rom per caricare Suse

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 10.02.2006
» Size 1019.21 MB; Needed time to download 2226,131334 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1191
» Rating: 1 at 99 Votes

OPEN SUSE 10 DVD Rating: 1

Una delle migliori distribuzioni di Linux consigliata per i neofiti

Sito Ufficiale

» Author: Angelinux dtd. 10.02.2006
» Size 0 kB; Needed time to download 0 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1008
» Rating: 1 at 104 Votes

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