Infinity Wars is a brand new Trading Card Game, introducing animated cards and animated 3D battlefields. With multiple PvP and single player modes, along with player-to-player card trading and full deck building options, it will be up to you to conquer the Rifts of Reality and claim what is rightfully yours: victory. The game (should) launch today on Steam.
atWar is a free browser-based multiplayer strategy game influenced by war games like Risk and Civilization. Master the art of strategy fighting against other players for world domination on highly detailed maps with hundreds of cities and countries. Create your own maps and scenarios based on real or fictional conflicts of the past, present or future.
Spice Trade is an rpg/strategy/adventure game about a poor spice farmer in 12th century Baghdad area. The game is written in Java and tested on Windows, Linux, BSD, OS X.
The demo will include the whole first chapter of Blackguards (6 -8 hours of gameplay) and will be playable without time limitations. Savegames will be compatible to the full version of the game. For Windows or Mac.
Both the games from Blizzard will launch sometime in 2014.. you can signup for beta of Heroes of the Storm.