Journey across a magical realm of diverse cultures and kingdoms in the epic title of Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact is an ongoing fantasy-adventure manga series published by miHoYo that features top notch art, engaging story, and captivating characters. Join these young warriors in their quest to defend their beloved city in a world governed by the 7 Elemental Archons while they unravel mysteries of fate and destiny.
For PS4, iOS, Android and Windows.
Seek adventure, fortune and fame in a sector of space riddled with faction conflict, dastardly pirates, & deft merchants.
(more…)Solarus is a free and open-source Action-RPG game engine, licensed under GPL, and written in C++. It runs quests in Lua, and can work on a great number of platforms. Solarus also features a game editor called Solarus Quest Editor, written in C++ with Qt to help you create your game.
Secret World Legends is a story-driven, shared-world action RPG that plunges players into a shadowy war against the supernatural, where ancient myths and legends cross over into the modern day.
Vantage Master (ヴァンテージ・マスター) is a tactical RPG game developed and published by Nihon Falcom in 1997. The game was never released outside Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The English version of this game was made available as a free download as of 2002 under the title Vantage Master Online.
Shardbound is a Tactical CCG that combines board-based tactical gameplay with collectible card games. As a Ranger, you’ll form a Noble House with your friends and battle other players to claim the riches of an ancient world.