RuckBlende or FlashBack is a nice interactive animation movie.
Download for Windows or Macintosh
A fps-mmo spy themed, coperative and competitive gameplay for Playstation 3 and PC and should be free.
Dreamlords is a massively multiplayer game that combines the accessibility of a web game with RPG character development, RTS battles and long term tactical strategy.
Players assume the role of the mystical Dreamlords, magical entities that spawn from the nightmares of the Dreamer himself. The Dreamer is the centre core of the universe, fuelling all things with the power of life, the gnosis, the focused attention of the Dreamer. Although Dreamlords may empower forceful methods on its subjects their presence are always welcome as they have the power to provide goals and guidance for a fragmented piece of the tired old world. These pieces of lands, home to hardened populations of survivors controlled by a Dreamlord are known as Patrias, the fatherland. The success of each patria is totally depending on the capability of its Dreamlord. The war is on, the war for existence.
StarWraith 3D Games LLC. released for free some of its space combat sim games.
RiftSpace – DOWNLOAD
Star Wraith 2 – DOWNLOAD
Star Wraith 3: Shadows of Orion – DOWNLOAD
Star Wraith 4: Reviction – DOWNLOAD
The first Yo-yo games(Gamemaker) competition ended the 23rd december 2007, here are the first 14 classified games. The winner is Frozzd. The competition had the winter as theme.
This Zip contains the first 14 games of the competition, have fun
Games included in the zip are:
Garden Gnome Carnage
Granny and Snowmen
The Winter Solstice
Sun Sun Der
Dominos 2: Winter Edition
Snowy Joe
Save the Christmas
‘Twas the night
Sinking Ice Block of Doom
Snowball Frenzy
Mage of Seasons
Be a wolf in a virtual wild nature world.
WolfQuest is 3D wildlife simulation game. Players join a wolf pack made up of friends or computer-controlled wolves and, through trial and error, instinct, and experience, learn to maximize both individual and pack survival. Each player discovers how to compete or cooperate, challenge or submit, and defend or attack during complex interactions within the pack. Players find they must balance individual and pack needs in order to increase their collective ability to hunt, defend territory, avoid danger, and protect their young. As they respond to challenges presented by their environment, players will experientially learn about habitat quality, prey populations, and the impact of human presence on the landscape. As they explore a variety of strategies to succeed in the game, players will exercise critical thinking and inquiry skills. Gameplay will create a strong emotional connection between players and wolves, changing player’s attitudes toward wolves and habitat conservation in the real world.
If you prefer being a Deer you may wanna check this
Mario is trapped and being attacked by evil creatures, he must use his plumbing skills and the FLUDD backpac he acquired on a recent holiday to escape. Control Mario, moving him left, right and water-thrusting him into the air, in order to collect and assemble his pipe escape route and poison any plants in his way. Use the FLUDD water cannon to drench the attacking enemies. Don’t forget to refill your FLUDD backpac regularly or you’ll really be in trouble!
Sheeparoids is a slightly new take on asteroids. The game was just written as a little showoff title to test an idea for alpha shadows. There is a little bit of strategy added to the game, hit three sheeparoids of the same size in a row to increase the score multiplier.