
Nemesis Online: 8 players online in Salamander 1 MSX

posted in SHOOT EM UP, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Nemesis Online: 8 players online in Salamander 1 MSX

Nemesis Online v0.30a
6.6 MiB - 1,180 downloads

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(for more maps and add-ons)

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2 Responses to “Nemesis Online: 8 players online in Salamander 1 MSX”

  1. By ILCassaintegrato on January 23, 2010

    Salamander was a clone of rtype?

  2. By Saulo on January 28, 2010

    It’s a remake of the classic NEMESIS®

    Very good game, registration is fast and nice addons can make you have fun for some good time.

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