
Deep Black Online

posted in FPS, SIMULATOR, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Deep Black Online is based on the sci-fi world of the Deep Black title, which is going to be released for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC in summer 2011.

The unique setting of Deep Black comprises an immersive story line, a complex science-fiction mystery, espionage and bio-terror. The story line runs up in the nearest future in the world of unsteadiness, chaos, terrorism, desperate fight for the world supremacy and possession of sophisticated biological weapons. Exciting game play suggests using dynamically both 3 environments for combats: the land, the underwater and the air. Deep Black Online will offer fully customizable appearance, more than 30 types of sci-fi weapons and 3 game modes at its launch. Each weapon will have different modes for underwater and ground environments. Each game mode will have original scenarios, based on unique underwater and air fighting mechanics. Players can have different special suits with abilities to swim and fly.

Deep Black Online will be a Free-to-Play session-based shooter game with different maps and 8 to 24 players in a game.

Beta testing in the Q4, 2012.

Deep Black Online
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