Abandon soberness all ye who enter here. VA-11 HALL-A is a Cyberpunk Bartender Anime Action game. For Windows, Linux and Mac.
NOTE:The following mirror downloads are Cyberpunk Game Jam version, You can buy the Full version of the game at the official site.
VA-11 HALL-A (windows)
38.3 MiB - 558 downloads
VA-11 HALL-A (linux)
38.6 MiB - 408 downloads
VA-11 HALL-A (mac)
34.8 MiB - 392 downloads
Mouse Wheel: Rollback.
Mouse Right Button/ESC Key: Open Menu.
S key: Take Screenshots, they will appear on the game’s folder
Pretty simple, people ask you for a drink and you must pick how much of each ingredient and how to mix it before serving it. Getting the drink right, altering it or even failing nets you different conversations. You even have access to the jukebox, letting you change the bgm at will.