Warlords is a computer game series created by Steve Fawkner, in which role-playing elements are combined with turn-based strategy in a fantasy setting.
Here the 2 first games of the series..
Visit Warlorders (fan site which offer w1 and w2 downloads together with tools, patch and utilities for other chapters of the serie)
Visit Infinite Interactive (Steve Fawkner game studio)
The zip includes:
Warlords 1 (1989)
WarLords 2 (1993)
WarLords 2 Deluxe (1995)
Scenario Builder for WarLords 2
Soundtrack for W2 and W2 Deluxe
DosBox emulator
WarLords 1,2 and Deluxe
81.5 MiB - 1,785 downloads
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