

posted in ACTION, LINUX, MAC, RACING, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

The Xenophis, a Vulcan exploratory vessel, has incidentally found the mythical sector of Firia where the planets, only reachable through warp tunnels, are told to be made of staggering ice and liquid fire. As a precautionary act, the Xenophis crew are attempting to launch interstellar probes, significantly altered to exist within the Firia atmosphere, in order to learn more of this magnificent piece of the galaxy. However, evidence shows that the former inhabitants do not like outsiders. You are the probe, and your mission is to maneuver your way to the other end of the warp tunnel. You are equipped with two shields, one to protect you from icy drones, and another from fiery ones. However, only one shield can be active at a time.

For Windows, Linux and Macintosh.

Link to Official Site

Link to Desura Game page.

The download mirror include all the 3 versions.

Vertigo (Win Linux Mac)
114.4 MiB - 479 downloads

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