
G4G.IT Visitors decreased a lot!

posted in MUSIC, NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Well at some point we had like 5000 and more visitors per day, i said wow man this is cool! Then after some time the traffic decreased to 2-3.5k per day, i said to myself well it’s not always party time, for a site about freeware ain’t bad at all.. BUT now it is about 1000 visitors only per day, What the hell is going on? I am disappointed but a little satisfied with 1k viewers, after all we don’t have porn, warez or high topic to display. I am pretty sure that this 1000 viewers are the loyal readers since pretty much the traffic lost was search engine-casual. Well thank you for keeping visiting this website, and if you have any tip, send it. Maybe YOU that are reading this blog, is one of the loyal ones (or a casual visitors who knows?). Where the hell is gone everyone? 😆

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22 Responses to “G4G.IT Visitors decreased a lot!”

  1. By flavio on October 20, 2011

    non ti azzardare a chiudere il sito che vado in depressione,sono anni ormai che passo qui ogni giorno,non potrei proprio immaginare che chiudi baracca hehehe 🙂

  2. By buntolo on October 20, 2011

    I’m still here, man! 🙂

  3. By Scorpionbruno on October 20, 2011

    Maybe give the site a new look or change the host so you have no more annoying ads . A more regular update of free and other ware , more news , …

  4. By Thanos Georgoulis on October 20, 2011

    Still a loyal follower. I discovered and am still discovering many great games through your site. As a proposition, i’ll add the site redesign. Keep up the good job.

  5. Thank you guys for the comments and tips i appreciate it. 😉

  6. By Agrauwin on October 20, 2011

    sono almeno due anni che frequento il sito, è perfetto così e non cambierei nulla! non demoralizzare e vedrai che la gente ritorna!

  7. By jerry on October 20, 2011

    Still here, most of the time I read via RSS reader, not sure if that shows up in your statistics, but I really enjoy this site. Keep up the excellent work…

  8. By Máté on October 20, 2011

    I’m regular, just lazy to comment.

  9. By Romolito on October 20, 2011

    I don’t know if in that 1k you consider also who read the site by RSS (like me)…

  10. At Dave: Thanks for the kind words, ye i noticed that indie-gamers generally looks for that kind of gaming-experience.. rather than mmo and/or browser.. still there are some good games in the free mmo/browser realm i think.

    At All: Again thanks for the comments people.

  11. By CountZero on October 21, 2011

    i hop on here daily, mostly look for freeware games that are not published elswhere

  12. By Junkmale on October 21, 2011

    sad to hear. I visit every day. Don’t really comment much but love the site.

  13. By Dave on October 21, 2011

    At Firesword. Totally agree with your response re the free mmo/browser realm, some are amazing.


    You can’t be all things to all men and unless a less ‘scatter gun’ approach to your direction is determined then things may continue to suffer….

    I only say these things because I respect and care for the site after visiting for many years.

    I appreciate that you want to appeal to as broad a base a possible but that’s been the downfall of many a great site.

    You need to decide who you are and what you can realistically do. What is it that you can realistically provide and why ??

    Do you be all things to all people at the risk of alienating dedicated visitors who may not be getting what they thought the site was there for ?

    Or should you establish a more specific role that people know where to come for at the risk of being a niche provider?

    I say this as I suspect that due to the low attention span of many site visitors who after a few days of not seeing what they want don’t come back again ?

    There are many considerations such as advertising and I can see why you’ve gone down the route you have with the MMO’s – would have done the same myself – but the freeware gaming ‘Indie’ free perspective was the purpose for the site initially and so now is it the lack of returning loyal visitors who may feel disenfranchised and look elsewhere as a result ..

    Like I said earlier, I love the site but focus may be required to establish a new identity to new visitors and retain old.

    Much love.

    • At Dave: You got a point Dave, but i like to diversify the offer.. 😆 Plus on further investigation i find out (or at least think so) that search engine (google) have changed something hence the less casual visitors.. But yeah many people don’t digest the mmo/browser thing (and probably don’t come back).


  14. By John Bubuz on October 21, 2011

    la volta che decidi di scrivere in Italiano, vedrai che impennata!

    The time in wich you decide to write in italian, you see what viagra-effect grow of site population!

  15. By Peter on October 21, 2011

    Well, I visit this site at least one time a day. I find it a great overview of all free and F2P games out there! Keep up the good work!

  16. By Rohan on October 21, 2011

    Im here! ,(o_o)/

  17. By Máté on October 21, 2011

    Dave is right, the things I most like about your site are indie games and mods.
    Also, I’m still wondering why I get German ads. Is it because of your host, or because it misidentifiing my location. Also, do you get more, if I click the link? Because if so, I will in the future.

  18. By BTL on October 22, 2011

    I drop by on most days. 🙂

  19. By Saulo Torres on October 26, 2011

    Hi! I’m from Brazil.

    I have sure your site is great, i found what i wanted by like 2 years ago with Pokemon World Online from a post you made. I made friends, meet a lot about every new thing on the development of this game ( it’s still bugged and beta but its funny ).

    My visits on this site drop down because your posts about underground games descreased since i always view OST/SOUNDTRACK, GAME DEVELOPMENT KIT, FLASHGAME, BROWSER GAMES… i love ‘rpg maker online’ looks like games and love to know about underground games been made or released even if it’s poor.

    I’m waiting to see more ‘reviews’ about games and real images from the content < cause a lot of people only gives a site one chance to show what they're looking for.

    Thx and i love your site, keep hard work and send me a email if you want (it's other thing i rly dont know where my comment goes once this article is updating and become "<< Older" and i'd have to remember what was the article exactly xD)

  20. By Saulo Torres on October 26, 2011

    Srry about double-post!

    Here’s an example:
    A site from brazil (You can use it as a source to new stuffs to post if u want) about rpg maker universe its always full of people cause they’re interested on 2D simple games spending hours a day to it ( i visited others rpg maker websites and forums including english/german but the brazilians keep it alive and a lot commented! )

    Peace man!

  21. You could also be interested in this one Saulo:


    (if you already haven’t checked)

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