
Wings Of Apocalypse

posted in DEMO, SHOOT EM UP, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Wings of Apocalypse sports much of the same gameplay mechanics as many other shoot em ups but with a twist! Each character in the game has Deflector Shield in which he or she may deflect enemy attacks of the same color. For example; Naomi’s Deflector Shield is Red, therefore she may only deflect Red enemy fire!

Depending on which character you choose, the difficulty of the game will change. Although the environment is exactly the same for each character, the opportunity to deflect enemy attacks are not. If the player chooses Roger he/she will be able to deflect almost all attacks because there are usually more blue enemies in the game. In other words Roger is easy difficulty, Bryan medium and Naomi Hard.

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Wings Of Apocalypse
97.3 MiB - 486 downloads

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One Response to “Wings Of Apocalypse”

  1. By Máté on July 18, 2011

    Sounds raceist to me 😀

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