

posted in PUZZLE | Posted by FireSword

It’s a who dunnit, but backwards. You are the killer. The game plays like Memento as you navigate various flashbacks and try not to break causeality. Your goal is to keep your lies congruent in order to lead the detective to the wrong conclusion and arrest someone who isn’t you.

YOUDUNNIT is a murder mystery game (set in outer space, yo!) where you’re pretty much the murderer, and the whole thing kinda plays “backwards” in time: you’re retracing your steps starting from a few hours after the murder and ending up mere moments after said killage. Or to put it another way: have you ever watched that really cool movie called “Memento”? Yeah, game time kinda works like that.

Link to Game Page

1.9 MiB - 403 downloads

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2 Responses to “YouDunnit”

  1. By BTL on June 9, 2011

    Sounds like a good game.

    I’ll check it out.

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