
Dungeon VIVA (Unity 3D)

posted in BROWSER, NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

You are a LORD ruling a dungeon with delicate traps and various monsters everywhere. In order to defend intrusions from heroes, you have to manage your dungeon, call up monsters, interact and exchange.

In Dungeon Viva, players are tasked with the role of powerful underlords – masters of underground dungeons to be exactly – and have to start from scratch to build their own mighty, monstrous empires. “Raise your monster lairs, hatch your own minions, and defend your home sweet home from the constant harassment of heroes of that nearby village – it’s all about telling the story from a different perspective”.

Dungeon VIVA
10 bytes - 481 downloads

The game is also crafted with a nice social touch in mind, in that players can not only challenge each other to their wits and skills, but are also requested to cooperate in order to beat certain quests. In addition, there is a wide range of features specifically designed to allow players showing off their uniqueness and achievements to their friends, such as the highly flexible avatar system, the richness of dungeon decorations, and the customizability of monsters, all of which give the players the ability to add their own personal flavor to their new, virtual home beneath the ground.

Made with Unity 3D, the incredible game engine of the next generation that has made playing real-time 3D games right inside your browser a reality, Dungeon Viva is completed with engaging graphics and visual effects, which help to create a much more immersive experience for our avid gamers to enjoy with.

Dungeon Viva is scheduled for release on 2011, and a closed alpha is currently in plan.

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2 Responses to “Dungeon VIVA (Unity 3D)”

  1. By Máté on February 1, 2011

    srsly wtf?

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