
Time to save the forest..

posted in NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

As you know Apple launched I-Pad and Google plan to launch a similar “toy”..
The best application i see about this things is reading.. and of course preventing tree cut for paper.

Here is a short list of things i think of:

-reading comics
-reading books
Replace paper school books with this.
-Draw and paint (it ‘s possilbe?)

I read that with this thing u can also surf the web.. well the price is insane right now, at least for my standard but i see great potential in the future.. For sure planet forests will great benefict from this.

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5 Responses to “Time to save the forest..”

  1. By Chrisjr on February 4, 2010

    The apple ipad is a rip off $499 dollars for a touch pad that cannot multi taask is that supposed to be good technology? U can get a tablet pc for the same price that can do so much more actually u can evven get 1 for less and have many more features than the ipod and because its a pc u dont have to pay for every little thing u want to put on it like games and such plus the pc would be able to multitask

    • in short u are saying this is just branded-shit?

      Sorry but i am not much into technology news…
      My cell phone for example was made during stone age lolz

  2. By john bubuz on February 5, 2010

    è risaputo che quest’uomo è stato malato…e si vedono i residui…

  3. By ILCassaintegrato on February 5, 2010

    Si basta vedere su che siti naviga 🙂

  4. By Gransoporo on February 7, 2010

    bla bla bla, Always only bla bla bla. I think that Firesword says something right!

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