
Google Chrome OS

posted in NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Google Chrome OS is an open source operating system for people who spend most of their time on the web. It aims to provide users with a fast, simple and secure computing experience. Netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available to consumers late next year (2010).


Bullshit or good stuff? I really dunno.. Could be interesting to get this with a 100 us dollars computer (but i am pretty sure that the google-pc will cost a bit more), to just surf the web or use office applications, BUT the fact that your files are stored online it ‘s a thing i can’t accept.

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2 Responses to “Google Chrome OS”

  1. By Máté on November 22, 2009

    Looks interesting, i like the 1st vid. I tought PC must dowload everithing before reading it, so whats now?

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