
Guild Wars 2 First Trailer

posted in NEWS, PINNED NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

Guild Wars 2 is being nicely crafted, the amazing people at ArenaNet has setted up a website on which you can see a trailer of Guild wars 2. This one (should be) an mmo with no monthly fee as Guild wars 1. The previous game was amazing and had good expansions too, i look foward for Guild Wars 2..

Official Site

Download GW2 Trailer 1 Full HD 1080p

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4 Responses to “Guild Wars 2 First Trailer”

  1. By Máté on August 21, 2009

    I just saw on tv that the italian president wanna limit italian bloggers rights, i hope he wont. Btw the game looks good.

  2. This is a must buy imho.

    Why talked about politics? Btw here i just showcase some freegame and funny-entertaining things.. the thing you watched in tv is for people who runs journalistic site.. ye anyway it’s a very (and not the only) bad thing.. but let’s not talk about this type of things here.


  3. By Máté on August 22, 2009

    I just tought u r interested, sry.

  4. Np. There is no reason to say sorry, write whatever you want.. i was just saying i think this is not the right website to talk about this type of things.. 😉

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