
Warsow v0.5

Set in a futuristic cartoon-like world where rocketlauncher-wielding pigs and lasergun-carrying cyberpunks roam the streets, Warsow is a completely free fast-paced first-person shooter (FPS) for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Speed and movement, that’s what Warsow is all about. Like a true cyberathlete you jump, dash, dodge and walljump your way through the game. Grab those power-ups before your enemy does, plant the bomb before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy’s flag before anyone knows what’s going on!

A handful of popular gametypes come shipped with Warsow, like Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch, Clan Arena, Instagib and Duel. Warsow invites you to add to this list, by creating your own custom gametypes with the brand new gametype scripting system!

Link to Official Site


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Posted by Angelinux | 10 Comments »


Dawn of War 2 – The Last Stand

posted in NEWS, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

In october Dawn of War 2 will get a new co-operative game mode, plus a couple of maps and balance patch.


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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »


Spring:1944 v1.0.6 Lyuban (open source ww2 rts)

Spring:1944 is a WWII themed game based on the open source Spring Engine. The Authors’ goal is to create four fully functional sides (US, Germany, USSR, Britain) with period-accurate units and strengths. Realism is a primary design goal, second only to creating a game that is fun and accessible to play.

Download for Windows

Download for Linux (SourceCode and GameFiles)


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Posted by Angelinux | 2 Comments »


Maya Kai

A nice 4 levels horizontal shoot ’em up.

Note: this game requires japanese systemfont.
if your operating system doesn’t support japanese language ,the application may need to run with applocale or other tools.


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Posted by Angelinux | 2 Comments »


Project Entropia becomes Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy.

Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world.
You will enter a new chapter in Calypso’s story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso’s precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth’s Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air.

Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso?

Link to Entropia-Calypso

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Posted by Angelinux | 7 Comments »


LinCity v2.0

LinCity-NG is a city simulation game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game. In the game, you are required to build and maintain a city. You can win the game either by building a sustainable economy or by evacuating all citizens with spaceships.

Download LinCity 2.0 for Windows

If you use Linux you have two options:
Download LinCity Generic x86 Installer
or Download Lincity SourceCode

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Posted by Angelinux | No Comments »


Trine Theme Music

posted in MUSIC | Leave a Comment

Trine is a physics-based action game where three characters allow clever solutions to challenges created by hazardous puzzles and threatening enemies. The gameplay is based on fully interactive physics – each character’s different abilities and tactics can be used to invent new ways to overcome obstacles and save the kingdom!

Download Trine Theme Music

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Xenogeddon is a free open-source FPS where you walk around an abandoned ship avoid the enemies that might or might not lay in wait. Your mission is to activate the self-destruct and then escape. Please note that at the moment it is in beta.

Programmed by Stephen Smith (stephen.carlylesmith AT It’s loosely based on Space Hulk by Games Workshop.

For windows or Linux.


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Posted by Angelinux | 1 Comment »


G4G Rating System

posted in NEWS | 7 Comments

I recently finished maintenance on Site, added a rating system and a view count for the posts..
Now (if you want) can rate post from 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent).
If you plan to rate a post, it would be nice to have a comment too, it ‘s not necessary but it would be nice, for example this day a guy gave 1 star (bad) to Ragnarok Online, with a comment explaining why would have been better.. anyway, hope you enjoy this new feature, keep cool people!


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Posted by Angelinux | 7 Comments »


FREE CIV v2.1.9

Updated the archive with the new version.

Freeciv is a Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization. The game commences in prehistory and your mission is to lead your tribe from the stone age to the space age…

Download for:

-Generally comparable with Civilization I & II.
-Up to 30 players!
-Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer-controlled players.
-Internet & LAN multiplayer (TCP/IP).
-Support for a great number of platforms see Requirements.
-Premade maps & scenarios!
-more than 50 playable units and far beyond 100 nations.
-Modpack support!
-Internationalization (i18n): Translations for 29 languages available.
-In game help system.


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