
JumpGate Evolution Beta

posted in NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

A great Space MMO game from codemasters. Too bad it will not be f2p, like for example Guild Wars, but the top notch graphic and huge battles of thousands really tempts me to enter the Beta..
Oh ye so far 250k people signed up for the beta.. 😆

LINK (official site)


Master of Orion

Pirate Galaxy Online (3D Browser MMO)

Taikodom Space MMO

Space Cowboy – FlySys – AirRivals

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2 Responses to “JumpGate Evolution Beta”

  1. By Máté on July 23, 2009

    If i remember well, this game didnt have avatars, there were just spaceships, but pple wanted characters, so the developers made a flash avatar creator 4 it. Or maybe it was an other space game?

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