Spellborn NV officially launches the Free2Play Client Download of the game. You can visit their website to set up the account and download the client here. By registering for a Free2Play account, players can enjoy and experience the two first zones of the game, Hawksmouth and Aldenvault, as well as level up and quest until they reach the gameplay limit integrated at the end of Fame Level 7. After subscribing, players become full members with complete access to all game content and dedicated Player Forums.
Note:Only some regions can access the demo.
Non ho capito: è gratis solo fino al 7imo livello e poi bisogna pagare???
Siamo calmissimi 😆
Si esatto, raggiunto il livello 7 di fama, il gioco avvisera’ che ci sono le restrizioni, si potra’ continuare ad andare in giro per le due zone ma senza aumentare di livello. Una demo.
yes, it’s basically a demo.