

posted in NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

Here is the SkyCar, as seen in many sci-fi movies…

SkyCar m400x prototype – by Paul Moller.

Driveable in normal ground road, the car can lift and fly up to 9.000 meters of altitude, the car has a parachute in case of engines failures. 8 km with one lt. of fuel. In the close future 500 people could drive one of this..

Ok, the crane in the video makes up for some suspect… 😆

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2 Responses to “SKYCAR”

  1. By John on November 28, 2008

    Thant’s not true. What’s that crane doing there?

  2. As i wrote in the post the crane is suspicious.. 😆

    It could be there to have a security cable in case engine fails during test, but it’s most probably a fake… But apart this video, seeing various sources, the car prototype should be real and working..

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