

posted in ACTION, FREE GAMES, MMO, RPG, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

Warrior Epic takes online games and action RPGs into new territory. To begin, the game is free to download and free to play online with no strings attached. Choose several warriors from a large group of specialized classes and play cooperative campaigns or slug it out with friends in PVP. All of this can be set up in a matter of minutes. We are dedicated to bringing out new content such as players, monsters, equipment, and stories every month. The bulk of the game is completely free, and for a small fee players can have access to special equipment and characters.


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2 Responses to “WARRIOR EPIC”

  1. By John Bubuz on July 5, 2008

    Ho provato a scaricarlo, ma non è possibile…sapete nulla?

    Scusate, ma me la cavo male con l’inglese…

  2. Ciao anchio mi sono registrato e ho scoperto che e’ in fase di closed beta, per poter partecipare devi loggarti sul sito e fare richiesta di partecipazione alla beta, se ti accetteranno quando ti loggherai di nuovo vedrai un link per scaricare il client.
    Spero che mi accettino nella beta almeno provo un po’ questo bel giochillo 😀

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