
Myth War II

Myth War 2 well be the next installment in the Myth War Online MMORPG.

Features of Myth War 2.0:

• New Character designs.
• New Boss designs.
• More delicate graphic scenes.
• Reshaped maps.
• The unique rebirth system makes the second rebirth true.
• Practical Improvement and Splitting system.
• Special system: Marriage and Brothers system.
• The new system: Worship the Power.
• The popular Mine War event and Siege War.
• Unique but abundant quest system.
• The captivating Magic Box system.
• The Luxury Holy Set system.


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BattleStar Galactica reinvented Season 4 and Asimov Robotic Laws

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Well the the first 10 episodes of BattleStar Galactica Season 4 (a great Sci-fi show) have been aired, now the next season for (the probably-hopefully) explosive ending…

Surfing around the web i found out, that the story (and particular the last episode) is very similar to a novel written by Isaac Asimov , i am not going to tell you the name of that book, beacouse frankly if u go search for it, it could spoil you the story of BSG, the similarities are far too much to be just a coincidence, i hope it’s just a coincidence otherwise i basically knows how it ends the sci-fi drama..

Talking back to Asimov, BSG start with the premises that AI-Robots rebels their creators, then i remembered the laws of robotics…

1 – A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2 – A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3 – A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

I tried to translate this laws in pseudo-code (the image on top), did i made a good job or the cylons will rebel with that buggy code? 😆

Let’s make some hypothesis, we made AI-Robots(Cylons) and implant in their neural network a chip containing the code of the robotic laws, how can they rebels? Maybe there is a bug in the code? Some chip goes defective in some model? Some madman remove deliberately the chips in some models?

The big question is do we need Machines to make works? Yes. Do we need this machines to have advanced artificial intelligence? Here is your Answer (click)

Hey i hope u have found entertaining this reading. cya.

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CHAIN of COMMAND (multiplayer)

Chain of Command is a real-time, multiplayer tactical wargame set in Normandy in World War 2, pitting American troops against German troops. The player commands four soldiers in various short actions, and will most likely find himself part of a larger group or team of other players, some of whom may be his commander, and some of whom may be (eventually) his subordinates. The player commands his own four men directly, responding to orders given to him by his commanders, and passing on orders to his subordinates. Players are themselves responsible for how they carry out other players’ orders (if they choose to carry them out at all), as they fight missions against enemy teams. Players are encouraged to preserve all their men and so may, when the risk is great, withdraw their men from the field, even against their commanders’ wishes. At the end of each action players receive points from their commanders, and these points go toward their next promotion.
Players are also encouraged to join Regiments and play with other members of their Regiments. Missions played for the Regiment go toward the Regiment’s relative standing. The Regiments provide focus for good team play over a long period.

Chain of Command is designed to be a realistic portrayal of small-unit infantry actions, and many of its systems are designed to take advantage of the multiplayer environment to simulate realistic flows in this type of action.


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Classic Arcade at Midway (Flashgames)

Classic Arcade at Midway.
requires macromedia shockwave player.


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Bad Company meets Metal Gear Solid Snake, Rainbow Six and Gears of War

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Bad Company new funny trailers: Watch how they deal with Snake, Rainbow Six and Gears of War… 😆

[Thanks Yami Edward]

Link of the three videos:

Bad Company “Snake Eyes”

Bad Company “Rainbow Sprinkles”

Bad Company “Bad Word”

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Solar Vengeance version 5 build 7, PrismServer and TurboSprite

Solar Vengeance is a game of interstellar conflict and conquest. You assume the role of a Star Lord, seeking to expand their territory after the collapse of the Galactic Empire. The other Star Lords (both human and computer Brain players) have the same idea! To eliminate your enemies you will build fleets of StarShips, and use them to capture independent and enemy StarSystems. Eventually you will capture your enemy Star Lord’s Capital StarSystem, eliminating them from the game. Conquer all of your enemies’ Capitals and you are victorious!
In Solar Vengeance 5, you can program your own Scenarios and computer Brain players in the Microsoft C# language. Use a full-fledged development tool like Visual Studio or SharpDevelop to write the code. When you are satisfied, just drop the source code file into the appropriate folder. SV5 compiles and integrates your code automatically.
The game is in real-time, but the game moves at one-second “impulses” and you can pause at any time. Single and multiplayer over internet.

Download solar vengeance

Some of the tools used to make the game were been released as well by the author…

TurboSprite: A Simple 2D Sprite Engine for .NET Framework 2.0

A simple, object-oriented 2D Sprite Engine for .NET 2.0.
TurboSprite is a set of components that provide a complete 2D animation sprite engine to your .NET applications. A “sprite” is a movable object in a game or other application that supports animation. In TurboSprite, you can use several different types of sprites, and create your own derived types to exhibit exactly the appearance and behavior you need. TurboSprite is written completely in C# managed code. DOWNLOAD TURBOSPRITE

PrismServer: A Chat Client and Server Solution for .NET 2.0

PrismServer is a complete solution for adding chat and other general purpose multi-user messaging to your .NET applications. The concepts of a chat-enabled application, like creating and entering chat rooms, sending and receiving chat messages, and management of user profiles, are abstracted by PrismServer and made available through simple properties, methods, and events.

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AVALANCHE v0.3 (single/multiplayer)

AVALANCHE is a third-person action game, set in the Final Fantasy VII universe.

DOWNLOAD Avalanche 0.3

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The New Jedi Order (X-wing alliance mod)

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5 Missions
19 Skirmish Missions
5 Cutscenes
Full Voice Cast
Voiced Briefings
New Music & E-mail



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Visual Pinball


Visaul Pinball is a program that replicates a pinball environment on your home.


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FireNes – Firefox Famicon-nes-Nintendo Emulator

A Firefox based NES emulator, you can play thousands of NES games from your browser.


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